Towing company accused of fraud.....

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Orange Beach Mayor Tony Kennon says a local towing company is taking advantage of unsuspecting tourists.

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Orange Beach, Alabama

Orange Beach Mayor Tony Kennon says a local towing company is price gouging drivers who get towed from private parking lots. Kennon says Orange Beach Towing is charging drivers more than 200 dollars to retrieve their vehicles.

Known as "trespass towing"...the owner of a private parking lot...usually a hotel, condo or resort complex...has a car towed without the owner's consent. The charge to the owner of the car? 200 bucks. That's double what a tow would cost if your car breaks down or if you're involved in a wreck and Kennon says that's not right.

"If you tow without the owner's consent, there's got to be some type of flat rate without holding the car hostage," says Kennon. "They're essentially holding the car hostage and charging drivers whatever they want."

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